Whether your child is preparing to go to university in a few weeks or thinking of going next year, Nick Kelly gives his take on preparing your child financially for their student years.
I can't
quite believe that my daughter has already completed her first year at
It doesn't seem that long ago she was shopping to go. The list seemed endless. Cutlery, bed sheets, new clothes etc. But I found as important as all of these
essentials was the chat about money, budgeting and how to survive university
The step from living at home to having to pay bills, rent and grocery shopping can be huge.
Here is my 'important conversations' list to use a starting point over the summer and also tips to put them on the right financial footing for their student years.
The step from living at home to having to pay bills, rent and grocery shopping can be huge.
Here is my 'important conversations' list to use a starting point over the summer and also tips to put them on the right financial footing for their student years.