Manning and Company team

Manning and Company team

Thursday 26 June 2014

The simple question worth £176,000.

By Mike LeGassick, Independent Financial Adviser, Manning and Company

When it comes to critical illness, we so often think, “It’ll never happen to me”.  But it did happen to two of my clients.  With their consent, let me tell you their stories.

Matt’s story
During a meeting with some clients in January, I casually asked after their son Matt, who was also a client of mine.  It was an innocent question; but when their response was that he was “bearing up” I was somewhat confused.  

It turned out that Matt had discovered a lump just a month before.  He had it investigated, and it resulted in the immediate removal of a testicle as it was an invasive seminoma.  

Thursday 19 June 2014

What’s happened since the Mortgage Market Review?

By Paul Northmore, Managing Director

At the end of April the mortgage landscape changed dramatically due to the Mortgage Market Review (MMR).

As our previous blog post explained, mortgage lenders now have to scrutinise mortgage applications much more closely to check the borrower can afford the repayments, both now and in the future should mortgage interest rates rise.

So from our perspective as advisers, what changes have we seen in the last few weeks?  And what suggestions can we offer to mortgage (and remortgage) applicants?

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Should you invest in bricks and mortar?

By Peter Harrison, Chartered Financial Planner, Manning and Company
Those with available cash may wonder whether to buy an investment property.

Property is often thought of as a reliable long-term investment – and indeed predictions for the next few years look good.  However, the Mortgage Market Review (which came into effect a month ago) will mean borrowers purchasing a property solely for their own use will be scrutinised to ensure they can afford the repayments.