Manning and Company team

Manning and Company team

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Annuites: when is advice non-advice?

By Steve Ansell, Independent Financial Adviser, Manning and Company

This year the government has announced the launch of a new website tackling the issue of annuities and seeking to advise consumers who currently hold an annuity or are thinking about it. 
An annuity is an insurance product, bought on retirement with the money saved in your pension pot.  It pays you a regular sum for as long as you live. But buyer beware, there is no going back once you’ve bought it.

It has long been the cry of reputable IFA’s that some clients have taken up the offer of annuities without fully realising the potential consequences of their product choice - or worse, have not received proper advice on its suitability for them.

Get closer to our primate friends with our exclusive discount!

By Mike LeGassick, Independent Financial Adviser, Manning and Company

Last year Manning and Company were delighted to become a corporate sponsor of animal welfare charity, ‘Wild Futures’.  This included adopting Gizzie the capuchin monkey who lives at the charity’s flagship project - The Monkey Sanctuary.

As a special offer for Manning and Company clients, we’ve arranged an exclusive 20% discount off The Monkey Sanctuary entrance fees when tickets are booked online.

The Life and Health Insurance Policies that Love your Virtuous Living

By Paul Northmore, Managing Director, Manning and Company

Is it right that insurance companies are rewarding some of their clients for living a virtuous lifestyle? It’s true – and we think it’s a great idea, especially after all that obligatory seasonal excess!
Certain insurers are now offering clients more than just financial cover with their life or health insurance.  There are added perks for those who commit to living a healthy lifestyle – for example, half-priced gym membership, or discounted spa days, or even a new bicycle.